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Here's the story of one woman's journey to deliver a 100% natural contraceptive. 


I, Francoise Farron, have alwys been an exceptionally curious person. Already as a child, I wanted to know how things grew; how things worked.

My major subjects in college were chemistry and physical chemistry.  I earned my Ph.D. in biochemistry at N.Y. University, Medical School, New York.

After a postdoctoral stay at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, I started working as an Assistant professor for Research at Harvard University in Boston. 

The subjects of my research were cell growth and differentiation in normal compared to tumor cells. Many, many years later, when I was retired and learned of the death of the  24-year old daughter of an acquaintance of mine, Erika Langhart, caused by the use of the hormonal birth control "NuvaRing," I felt the moral imperative to share my knowledge of an innocuous contraceptive, that could save lives. After some testing of the efficacy, reliability and absence of harmful side effects, I opened a website and started selling my product under the trade name "Smart Women's Choice." 

Initially, the reaction among my potential customers was "this is too good to be true," but a few hardy souls tried it, were delighted using it, and sent me their enthusiastic testimonials - unsolicited, mind you - and at the same time shared with me the numerous harmful side effects that they had experienced using the pill - in all its various delivery methods. They ranged from sleeping disorders and weight gain to severe depression, personality changes, and suicidal urges. That's my story.

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